Connects Development Artefacts by Syntax by Ontological Relations.
The fundamental idea is based on a common semantic which is used to generate requirements or test cases. It is the idea of having a smart repository/glossary which supports you all the time not only by simple definitions but also with synonyms, value ranges, translations in function calls and much more as well as relations between the different entities.
Our »Shaker« tool provides a ontology driven data base. The »Daiquiri« tool supports you in using the ontology for your concrete working artefact (Requirements, Test Cases, FMEAs, Architectures, …).
- Using smart repositories across borders
- Collect the worlds knowledge by various relations
- Across partners and suppliers

»Smaagile« is the vision of interacting development artefacts. Connected based on a common semantic and ontological relations between the entities.
Work smarter, not harder
More time for sun, beach and cocktails
Create Smart Specifications
Use cases, user stories, requirements, test cases and much more … make them smart!
Our patent pending »Daiquiri« app supports you while writing smart specifications by an intelligent text completion functionality. It is connected to our »Shaker« data base and leads you through your ontology. Many other functionalities will make your development a bit more easy.
Work smarter, not harder – More time for sun, beach and cocktails
It’s time for a demo … let’s discuss how it can support you!
- Requirements templates editor
- Content depending Highlighting
- »Shaker« live interface
- Smart connection to your specific tool landscape
- Export to other development artefacts
- Key-Word Driven Testing (ISO 29119 Part5)
- »Daiquiri« stand-alone application
- Customized tool integration
- Native integration in your tool landscape
powerful, ontology driven database
Much more powerful than a relational database .. our ontology driven database connects entities by concrete relations. »Shaker« provides a set of different influences to model your world by analytical relationships, limits and other associations. Dynamics support you to handle dynamic behaviors of your entities or entities arguments.
Work smarter, not harder – More time for sun, beach and cocktails
It’s time for a demo … let’s discuss how it can support you!
- Entity and entity related attributes
- Ontological relations between different database entries
- User and group management
- Project management
- Cloud Solution
- On premises

Product Overview
The most comprehensive application and database available
»Daiquiri« Trial
Requirements edit functionality
TestCase edit functionality
Ontologie edit functionality
7 days customer support
Life time updates
Limited to 30 days
»Daiquiri« Req Edit
Requirements edit functionality
TestCase edit functionality
Ontologie edit functionality
7 days customer support
Life time updates
»Daiquiri« Req+Ont Edit
Requirements edit functionality
TestCase edit functionality
Ontologie edit functionality
7 days customer support
Life time updates
Shaker Cloud - virtual
virtual server (in Germany)
100GB storgae (scalable)
365 days data recovery
State of the art End-to-End Encryption
User and Group administration
7 days support
Shaker Cloud - dedicated
dedicated server (in Germany)
100GB storgae (scalable)
365 days data recovery
State of the art End-to-End Encryption
User and Group administration
7 days support
Shaker On premises
Shaker in your own infrastructure
User and Group administration
7 days support
»smaagile – the smart way to work«
You are tired of creating script’s by hand based
on specifications? You want to be smarter,
faster and more agile?
Let’s have demo session to figure out how »smaagile« can help you to improve your development.
We can visit you virtually by a web demo or live to explain and discuss everything in details.